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June 25, 2024 Meeting

Publish Date 06/25/2024



TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 2024



A meeting of the Board of Police Commissioners of Kansas City, Missouri was held on Tuesday, June 25, 2024, in the Community Room at Police Headquarters, 1125 Locust Street, Kansas City.


Commissioner Dawn Cramer, President

Commissioner Tom Whittaker, Vice President

Commissioner Madeline Romious, Treasurer

Mayor Quinton Lucas, Member

Mr. David Kenner, Secretary/Attorney

Stacey Graves, Chief of Police


            Mr. Ed Elder, Member


This meeting was called to order at 9:30 a.m. by Commissioner Cramer.  Commissioner Elder had an excused absence.  Supervisor Reneé Gatewood led the Pledge of Allegiance.  Chaplain Johnny Jones provided the invocation. 

  1. Presentations. Councilman Crispin Rea, 4th District-at-Large, presented on behalf of the City Council.  Councilman Rea advised that a resolution sponsored by Councilwoman Melissa Robinson will be presented to Council this morning.  This ordinance creates a strategic long-term plan for Community Action Network (CAN) Centers across the City.  Additionally, a proposed ordinance will be presented to Council this morning to accept a Department of Justice (DOJ) Byrne award in the amount of $315,000, to go towards the Crime Commission’s Second Chance Program. 

            In response to a question from Commissioner Cramer, Councilman Rea advised that the Detention and Rehabilitation Committee continues to discuss the ideal number of beds and location for the new facility. He advised that they are looking to put the facility on the ballot in November 2024 or April 2025, but would not commit to either date.  He advised that the Committee is discussing the possibility of building the facility at the same location of the new Jackson County Detention Center near 40 Highway.  He believes this will be the most cost-effective option, and community engagement has already been done in that area. 

            Major Joshua Heinen and Fiscal Supervisor Jennifer Emery provided an update on the Department’s grant awards.  The Grants Section currently manages 31 active Federal grants totaling $13,089,624.58, two State awards totaling $90,933.06, 18 Federal Cooperative agreements totaling $918,785.09, and five local Memorandums of Understanding/funding agreements totaling $4,545,049.00.  There are also eight pending Federal awards and three pending local grants totaling $7.6 million.  These awards provide budgetary relief for the Department.  Active grants currently pay for ten sworn officers and 19 civilian members.  Awards are also used for overtime and training expenses.

Major Heinen advised that the Grants Section consists of one supervisor and three fiscal administrators.  Their primary duties consist of managing funding throughout the lifecycle of each award, verify Department compliance, submit reimbursements and reports, and complete the annual Single Audit.  Major Heinen advised that he provided this same presentation to City Council last week. 

  1. General Discussion from the Chief of Police. Chief Stacey Graves advised that in addition to the Federal, State, and Local grant awards that the Department receives, the Police Foundation of Kansas City has also provided substantial monetary awards to the Department.  These awards also help fund vital equipment for the Department members, such as tactical vehicles, body-worn cameras, and the command post bus. 

            Chief Graves commended the men and women of the Department that helped in making the 92nd Annual U.S. Conference of Mayors a successful and safe event.  Members were visible and professional, keeping everyone safe and free from distractions at the event.  Chief Graves advised that the Department received numerous compliments about members’ presence at the event. 

            Chief Graves advised that she attended the second session of the FBI National Executive Institute hosted by and held at the Police Scotland Headquarters.  She advised that law enforcement around the world are facing the same challenges as Kansas City. 

            Commissioner Romious advised that she attended the U.S. Conference of Mayors.  She advised that Kansas City looked phenomenal at the event.  Commissioner Romious commended the Department members that assisted with the event.  She noted that officers were impressive and made her extremely proud.  Commissioner Whittaker also attended the U.S. Conference of Mayors.  He echoed Commissioner Romious’ comments. 

  1. Investigations Bureau. Deputy Chief Doug Niemeier provided an update on the Department’s Generalist Squad.  He advised that the Generalist Squad works from 10:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m., and responds to all overnight crime and triages accordingly.  The Generalist Squad is staffed with one sergeant and seven detectives.  These members do not carry a case load; they assess the scene and get things in order for the respective investigative unit.

Deputy Chief Niemeier provided an update on crime statistics.  He advised that to-date in 2024, there have been a total of 71 homicides, compared to 97 homicides during the same time period in 2023.  The Department has cleared 33 homicides this year, plus an additional 15 homicides from previous years, totaling 48 solved homicides.  The Department’s clearance rate is 68 percent.   

Deputy Chief Niemeier advised that there were 13 homicides that occurred in May 2024.  Seven of those 13 homicides have been cleared, three solved but not yet cleared, and three remain under open investigation.  Two of the May homicides occurred within the Central Patrol Division, two within the Metro Patrol Division, five within the East Patrol Division, one in the North Patrol Division, and three in the South Patrol Division.  Deputy Chief Niemeier advised that of those 13 homicides in May, five were due to arguments, one involved a robbery, two involved drugs, one was self-defense, one was classified as “other”, and four remain unknown.  A firearm(s) was used in 12 of those homicides and a knife was used in one.    

Deputy Chief Niemeier advised that as of June 20, 2024, there have been 291 non-fatal shootings this year, compared to 221 at this same time period in 2023.  In May 2024, there were 52 non-fatal shootings, compared to 46 non-fatal shootings in May 2023. 

            Deputy Chief Niemeier spoke about cases submitted for prosecution.  In May 2024, there were 313 cases submitted for prosecution; there were 253 cases submitted to Jackson County, 37 to Clay County, and 23 to Platte County.  

Deputy Chief Niemeier spoke about the Department’s crime analysts.  Analysts are non-sworn employees assigned within the Violent Crimes Division, Special Investigations Division, and at patrol stations.  Analysts watch hours of video to identify individuals and crime trends. 

Deputy Chief Niemeier commended Administrative Assistant Pam Bear and Supervisor Jennifer Miller for their work within the Investigations Bureau.  Jennifer Miller has been with the Department since 1979.  Pam Bear has been with the Department since 2002.  These members are a part of the KCPD CARE Team and the KCPD Peer Support Team.  Jennifer Miller also assists with victims of violent crime.  Both members often volunteer their personal time to the Department and its members.    

Deputy Chief Niemeier provided updates on two ongoing criminal cases.  He advised that a Kansas City man was sentenced yesterday to 11 years in federal prison after pleading guilty to conspiracy to receive, possess, and dispose of stolen firearms for his involvement in a conspiracy to steal over 100 guns from vehicles in the Westport Entertainment District and surrounding metro area. 

Deputy Chief Niemeier also advised that the Jackson County Prosecutor’s Office will hold a press conference later today to announce charges on an individual linked to an overdose death earlier this month.

  1. Patrol Bureau. Major Ryan Mills presented for Deputy Chief Joseph Mabin during his absence.  Major Mills spoke of the notable events within the Patrol Bureau in May 2024.  Major Mills noted that the Police Athletic League (PAL) had 1,628 visits in May 2024.  The PAL Center averaged 75 visits per day, and had 40 new enrollments over the past month.  He invited the Board to attend the PAL Appreciation Luncheon on June 26, 2024, at the PAL Center from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

            Major Mills advised that Sergeant Ashley McCunniff was named the Mid-America Crisis Intervention Team (MACIT) Coordinator of the Year.  Officer Teurika Humphrey was named the MACIT CIT Officer of the Year and CIT Instructor of the Year.  Major Mills congratulated the Department’s Negotiator Team for placing 1st at the 2024 Missouri Association of Crisis Negotiators (MACN) challenge.  Major Mills congratulated Major Daniel Gates on his upcoming retirement from the Department after 32 years of service. 

Major Mills presented monthly statistics for the Patrol Bureau.  He advised that the median response time for Priority 10 calls (also known as Priority 1) for the month of May was 8 minutes and 36 seconds; the Department’s Priority 10 response time goal is 7.50 minutes.  The Priority 20 (also known as Priority 2) response time for the month of May was 11 minutes and 2 seconds; the Department’s Priority 20 response time goal is 9.00 minutes.  The response time is the amount of time from when the call is created until an officer arrives on scene.  Major Mills advised that the 911 hold time for the month of May was 44 seconds.

Major Mills advised that the Traffic Division held a street-racing (“sideshow”) enforcement activity on May 24, 2024.  They stopped 23 vehicles, towed nine vehicles, issued 35 traffic citations, made four arrests, and handled two accidents that occurred as a result of street-racing activity.  Major Mills advised those wanting to report sideshows to the police should email [email protected]

Major Mills advised that members of the Traffic Division held eight DUI wolfpack enforcement activities in May, which resulted in 110 stops, 36 DUI arrests, and 137 total citations issued.  Additionally, there were another 72 DUI arrests made by patrol divisions during the month of May. 

Major Mills advised that to-date 2024, there have been 39 fatality crashes with 44 victims.  During the same time period in 2023, there were 28 fatality crashes with 32 victims.  Major Mills noted that 91 percent of people killed in traffic accidents were not wearing a seatbelt. On May 15, 2024, and May 29, 2024, the Traffic Division held extensive seatbelt enforcement operations.  During those operations, officers issued 474 seatbelt citations.  In addition to these numbers, normal activity from patrol officers resulted in an increase of 101 seatbelt citations in April 2024, to 630 seatbelt citations in May 2024. 

In response to a question from Commissioner Whittaker, Major Mills advised that there have been some growing pains with the implantation of the 11-hour shift, but a majority of the feedback has been positive.

Mayor Lucas briefly stepped out of the meeting at 10:17 a.m.

  1. Administration Bureau. Deputy Chief Luis Ortiz provided an update on Department staffing.  He advised that as of May 31, 2024, Department strength was 1,637.  For this time period, there were 1,090 sworn law enforcement personnel, 27 recruits, 516 professional staff, and four Board members; there were 230 total vacancies.

Deputy Chief Ortiz advised that the 182nd Entrant Officer Class (EOC) began training on June 17, 2024.  He advised there are 32 in the process for the 183rd EOC that is scheduled to begin training in September.  Additionally, one person has already been confirmed.  The Department is currently processing 20 lateral officers and six re-hires. 

Mayor Lucas returned to the meeting at 10:19 a.m.

Deputy Chief Ortiz advised that the Department hired one new member in the Communications Unit this month. He noted that there are eight people in the process for possible eligibility.

The Department will hold law enforcement testing on June 27, 2024, July 27, 2024, August 28, 2024, and September 26, 2024, at the Regional Police Academy.  There are 60 applicants signed up to test on June 27, 2024.  There are already 17 applicants signed up to test on July 27, 2024.  The Department continues to hire for all positions.  More information can be found at

Deputy Chief Ortiz commended the Wellness Unit for the work they do to assist Department members.  He also thanked Councilman Crispin Rea for sponsoring a wellness cookout at East Patrol Division earlier this month.  He noted that Councilman Rea plans to sponsor a breakfast at East Patrol on July 24, 2024. 

Deputy Chief Ortiz introduced the Department’s summer interns.  He thanked the Employment and Recruiting Section for coordinating the internship program. 

In response to a question from Commissioner Romious, Deputy Chief Ortiz advised that there is not a minimum number of candidates confirmed before the Department will hold a class.  He explained that the Department will hold the scheduled class even if there is only one KCPD recruit.  This is because surrounding outside agencies have already reserved spots in that scheduled class. 

In response to a question from Commissioner Cramer, Deputy Chief Ortiz stated that applications have increased due to the salary increase and 11-hour shift plan, with four days on and four days off.  Chief Graves noted that due to the raises, the Department has seen a substantial increase in lateral transfers and re-hires. 

  1. Executive Services Bureau.   Deputy Chief Derek McCollum presented the following items for Board approval:
  2. Budget Transfers for Fiscal Year 2024-25.  A memorandum dated June 11, 2024, was presented recommending approval of budget transfers.  This transfer will affect the Parking Garage Fund, Police Grants Fund, and the Grants Special Revenue Fund. 

            A motion was made by Commissioner Whittaker, with a second by Mayor Lucas, to approve the budget transfers as presented.  The vote was 4-0 in favor. 

  1. New Police Pursuit Vehicles.  A memorandum dated June 10, 2024, was presented to recommend approval to purchase six new police pursuit vehicles from Landmark Dodge, utilizing the MKCPP Metro vehicle contract for best pricing, for a total expenditure of $237,678.00. 

            A motion was made by Commissioner Romious, with a second by Commissioner Whittaker, to approve the purchase of six new police pursuit vehicles from Landmark Dodge, at a total cost of $237,678.00.  The vote was 4-0 in favor.   

  1. Acceptance of the Subaward from Rose Brooks. A memorandum dated June 10, 2024, was presented to recommend acceptance of a subaward from the Rose Brooks Center, in the amount of $166,750.00.   The award period runs from January 1, 2024, through September 30, 2026.  This award is 100 percent federally funded, and provides funds for overtime, supplies, and travel/training expenses.

            A motion was made by Commissioner Romious, with a second by Commissioner Whittaker, to accept the Rose Brooks subaward in the amount of $166,750.00.  The vote was 4-0 in favor. 

  1. Bank Pledgee Agreement Form. A memorandum dated June 10, 2024, was presented to recommend approval of necessary changes to the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston’s bank pledgee agreement form and resolutions, due to recent personnel changes. 

            A motion was made by Commissioner Romious, with a second by Commissioner Whittaker, to approve to approve the necessary changes to the banking documents at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, including all resolutions contained therein.  The vote was 4-0 in favor.

  1. Board Resolutions and Signature Cards.  A memorandum dated June 10, 2024, was presented to recommend approval of necessary changes to UMB Bank and Greater KC Public Safety Credit Union board resolutions and signature cards, due to recent personnel changes.

            A motion was made by Commissioner Whittaker, with a second by Commissioner Romious, to approve the necessary changes to the banking documents at UMB Bank and the Greater KC Public Safety Credit Union, including all resolutions contained therein.  The vote was 4-0 in favor.

  1. Foundation Investigative Analyst Project.  A memorandum dated June 12, 2024, was presented to recommend acceptance of an award from the Police Foundation of Kansas City, in the amount of $1,000,000.00.  The award period is July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2026, and is 100 percent locally funded.  The award provides funding for personnel, fringe benefits, equipment, and training for four investigative analysts.  This is the first year for funding. 

            A motion was made by Commissioner Whittaker, with a second by Mayor Lucas, to accept the award from the Police Foundation of Kansas City, in the amount of $1,000,000.00, as presented.  The vote was 4-0 in favor.

            Chief Graves expressed her sincere thanks to the Police Foundation for this generous donation.  Each homicide squad will now be equipped with an analyst.  Analysts are instrumental in solving violent crime. 

  1. Chief’s Executive Officer. Deputy Chief Steve Young presented the following consent agenda items for Board consideration:
  2. Project #1418: Deferred Compensation Program By-Laws
  3. Project #1422: Pay Summary

            A motion was made by Commissioner Whittaker, with a second by Commissioner Romious, to approve the consent agenda items, as presented.  The vote was 4-0 in favor.

  1. Public Comments. Sheryl Ferguson welcomed Commissioner Romious and Commissioner Elder to the Board.  Ms. Ferguson would like to see a Hispanic community member serve on the Board.  She believes the Board needs to be more diverse and inclusive. 

            Ms. Ferguson asked questions about the recent seatbelt enforcement operation.  She requested the geographical area locations of each operation, and the number of citations issued at each location.  She requested that the Department select diverse locations for these operations, and not areas already financially struggling.

Ron Hunt thanked Major Kari Thompson and the Community Engagement Division for their partnership at the Family Picnic on June 8, 2024.  He advised that the event was a success.  Mr. Hunt spoke about the increasing number of children involved in violent crime.  He believes more resources need to be provided to single-parent families.  Mr. Hunt expressed his thanks to the Department. 

  1. Approval of Minutes. A motion was made by Commissioner Romious, with a second by Mayor Lucas, to approve the minutes of the open session Board meeting on May 28, 2024.  The vote was 4-0 in favor.
  2. Commissioner Dawn Cramer. Commissioner Cramer welcomed Ed Elder to the Board.  Commissioner Elder had a prior commitment out of state today, but he will attend the next Board meeting.  Commissioner Cramer congratulated Mayor Lucas on the birth of his son last week. 
  3. Mayor Quinton Lucas. Mayor Lucas spoke about the work the City and State are doing to keep the Chiefs and Royals in Kansas City.  Mayor Lucas spoke about the 92nd Annual U.S. Conference of Mayors that was held last week in Kansas City.  He advised that this was a successful week-long event, that went without incident.  He thanked the Department for their security and professionalism.  He stated that the City continues to host exceptional events, such as the recent Pride events. 
  4. Commissioner Madeline Romious. Commissioner Romious advised that she attended the U.S. Conference of Mayors.  She echoed Mayor Lucas’ comments and thanked the Department for their professionalism.    
  5. Commissioner Tom Whittaker. Commissioner Whittaker also attended the U.S. Conference of Mayors.  He echoed Mayor Lucas’ and Commissioner Romious’ comments.
  6. Scheduled meetings. The Board of Police Commissioners of Kansas City, Missouri has scheduled the following meetings:


Regular Meetings:


July 30, 2024, 9:30 a.m., at KCPD Headquarters, Community Room, 1125 Locust, Kansas City.


August 20, 2024, 9:30 a.m., at KCPD Headquarters, Community Room, 1125 Locust, Kansas City.


September 10, 2024, 9:30 a.m., at KCPD Headquarters, Community Room, 1125 Locust, Kansas City.


October 29, 2024, 9:30 a.m., at KCPD Headquarters, Community Room, 1125 Locust, Kansas City.


November 19, 2024, 9:30 a.m., at KCPD Headquarters, Community Room, 1125 Locust, Kansas City.


December 17, 2024, 9:30 a.m., at KCPD Headquarters, Community Room, 1125 Locust, Kansas City.


A motion was made by Commissioner Whittaker, with a second by Mayor Lucas and by vote indicated below, to go into closed session at 10:45 a.m., as provided in the following resolution.  Following a roll call, the vote was 4-0 in favor. 




WHEREAS, notice of the board meeting of the Board of Police Commissioners was given on July 10, 2023, and

WHEREAS, said notice indicated that the Board of Police Commissioners might go into closed session during said meeting, and

WHEREAS, notice of the closed meeting follows the guidelines of Section 610.020 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Police Commissioners go into closed session during the meeting being held on Tuesday, June 25, 2024, at KCPD Headquarters, 1125 Locust Street, Kansas City, for the purpose of discussing personnel matters, labor negotiations, and litigation matters.

The following Commissioners were present and voted to go into closed session as follows:

Mayor Quinton Lucas                                                 -           Aye

Commissioner Madeline Romious                              -           Aye

Commissioner Tom Whittaker                                    -           Aye

Commissioner Dawn Cramer                                     -           Aye

            There being a quorum present and the question of holding a closed session having received an affirmative public vote of at least three (3) members, a closed meeting was held as set forth above.

Below are the votes from the closed session of the Board of Police Commissioners meeting on Tuesday, June 25, 2024:

The Board went into closed session at 11:06 a.m.  Commissioner Elder had an excused absence.

1)         Following a motion by Mayor Lucas and a second by Commissioner Whittaker, the Board voted to authorize certain settlement authority in the case of Frank McClelland, et al. v. City of Kansas City, et al., in an amount not to exceed $___[1]. The vote was 4-0 in favor.  Following polling, Commissioner Cramer voted Aye, Commissioner Whittaker voted Aye, Commissioner Romious voted Aye, and Mayor Lucas voted Aye. 

2)         Following a motion by Mayor Lucas and a second by Commissioner Whittaker, the Board voted to authorize certain settlement authority in the case of Ricky Kidd v. KCPD, et al., in an amount not to exceed $___[2]. The vote was 4-0 in favor.  Following polling, Commissioner Cramer voted Aye, Commissioner Whittaker voted Aye, Commissioner Romious voted Aye, and Mayor Lucas voted Aye. 

3)          Following a motion by Mayor Lucas and a second by Commissioner Whittaker, the Board voted to approve the applications for continued employment of Sergeant Deborah Randol and Detention Officer Syed Hasan.  The vote was 4-0 in favor.  Following polling, Commissioner Cramer voted Aye, Commissioner Whittaker voted Aye, Commissioner Romious voted Aye, and Mayor Lucas voted Aye.

4)         Following a motion by Mayor Lucas, and a second by Commissioner Whittaker, the Board voted to approve the minutes of the closed Board meeting on May 28, 2024.  The vote was 4-0 in favor.  Following polling, Commissioner Cramer voted Aye, Commissioner Whittaker voted Aye, Commissioner Romious voted Aye, and Mayor Lucas voted Aye.

5)         Following a motion by Mayor Lucas and a second by Commissioner Whittaker, the Board voted to come out of closed session and adjourn at 12:55 p.m.  The vote was 4-0 in favor.  Following polling, Commissioner Cramer voted Aye, Commissioner Whittaker voted Aye, Commissioner Romious voted Aye, and Mayor Lucas voted Aye.

            The Board adjourned at 12:55 p.m.


[2] The amount is redacted under § 610.021(1), R.S.Mo., because no final disposition of the matter has occurred.