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In fulfillment of its mission, the Office of Community Complaints has pledged:

* To encourage members of the community to file complaints when they feel they have experienced police misconduct.

* To encourage active participation by all parties in the complaint process.

* To examine carefully each investigative file to ensure that all efforts have been made to resolve the complaint.

* To review all complaints with complete objectivity and impartiality.

* To respect and protect the rights of both the community member and the subject officer.

* To engage in community outreach throughout Kansas City, Mo., to educate the general public concerning the agency’s purpose.

* To report to the Board of Police Commissioners any patterns of misconduct that are uncovered as a result of investigations and complaint review.

* To report to the Board of Police Commissioners any and all relevant issues and policy matters that may arise.

* To proactively identify trends that may need to be addressed by the Regional Police Academy for officer training.