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College Internship Application

Internship Application

Please complete the following application between the dates of September 15 and November 1, 2024 for the 2025 Spring Internship Program for Law Enforcement and Professional Staff.   

Internship Application

Full Address including City, State, and Zip Code
Have you ever applied to work or for an internship with KCPD?

Have you ever applied for a position with any law enforcement or government agency?

Do you have a family member in law enforcement?

Name, Occupation, Address, Phone Number
Have you ever been arrested/apprehended as either an adult or a juvenile?

Have you ever been charged/convicted of a misdemeanor offense other than traffic?

Have you ever been charged/convicted of a felony offense?

Has your Driver's License ever been suspended or revoked?


Please Read Carefully Before Signing

I affirm that all of the information contained within this document was provided by me and is true and accurate. I acknowledge by my signature below that any falsification, misrepresentation, or omission of any information may be just cause for my disqualification from participation in the Kansas City Police Department Internship Program. Further, I certify that I am enrolled in a four-year degree program at an accredited four-year university or college and have a Junior or Senior standing, or that I am enrolled in a two-year degree program and have completed two-thirds of required credits toward my degree. I also certify that I currently have a 2.5 or higher GPA and that I meet all requirements. I understand that prior to being accepted into this program a criminal history/records check, background investigation, reference/employer checks and personal interview will be conducted.
Due to the nature of the course curriculum and accessibility to department facilities you will have, the Kansas City Missouri Police Department, henceforth referred to as “KCPD”, will be conducting security checks on all applicants, including but not limited to a check of the criminal justice computer information systems (CJIS) as well as obtaining fingerprints for those selected for the program. I hereby authorize the KCPD to collect personal information concerning myself. I acknowledge this information is to be used for enrollment and background purposes only.
I agree that I will not disclose any confidential information that I may become aware of through participation in the KCPD Summer Internship Program (information, observations, photographs, video, etc.).
I understand that if I am selected, the KCPD is not responsible for any accident, injury or damages, in whatever form, that may occur to me or my property, arising out of or related to my application or participation in the KCPD Summer Internship Program. By signing this application, I, for myself and for my heirs and assigns, hereby release and hold harmless the KCPD.
I understand and agree that the KCPD Media/Public Relations Unit and local media agencies may be in attendance at any session and that video coverage and/or still photographs may be taken at various times throughout the program and hereby consent to the use of these images by the KCPD and/or the media agencies.
I understand that this is an unpaid internship with the KCPD and that I will not in any way be compensated. The KCPD reserves the right of sole discretion in the selection of applicants.
By signing this application, I hereby acknowledge and agree to all of the foregoing.