Chief's blog: KCPD's unique governance system serves Kansas City well

"This police department strives to make Kansas City a great place for everyone to live, work and play. A well-functioning police department doesn’t happen by accident. It’s because of a group of dedicated men and women who have served on the Kansas City Missouri Board of Police Commissioners through the years. They have invested the time and effort to make sure this city has a police department that is a national model.
"Many residents may not even recognize this. What they will recognize is the work ethic, professionalism and dedication that the men and women of the KCPD give every day under the oversight of the Board of Police Commissioners.
"As it does every few years, the question of “local control” of the Kansas City Missouri Police Department has resurfaced."
Read the rest of the blog to learn about KCPD's governance system and how it works for the people of Kansas City.