Hometown Pride Inspires Central Patrol Major

Between its residents, businesses, and entertainment districts, Central Patrol’s boundaries hold prominence in Kansas City.
Tim Hernandez realizes it, and as Major at Central Patrol, he’s set on providing the area the best service possible.
“On any given day, you could have a million people with workers downtown and traffic into our event spaces and venues,” Hernandez pointed out. “It does require having a team here that is very adaptable at answering calls for service but also working with large crowds, businesses, and coming up with solutions to help make Center Zone a prosperous community.”
Hernandez arrived at Central Patrol in January with a multitude of experiences from assignments that would soon begin after he started in the police academy in 1997. An officer at the housing authority mentoring children. A detective in the Homicide Unit. A captain in the Special Victims Unit. Assignments in Traffic, the Media Unit, Logistical Support, and a commander role in four different bureaus.
He’s seen a lot, enough to prioritize the community. Hernandez plans to empower the neighborhood associations in his area by helping to provide them with resources to improve their quality of life.
“You can call neighborhood leaders and ask them what they need,” Hernandez explained. “In turn, they can call me or command staff and have that dialogue as to what’s going on. I want to see Central Patrol be a community-driven police division.”
For Hernandez, Central Patrol is a homecoming of sorts. That’s where he first patrolled after graduating from the academy and where he served as a sergeant.
It’s also where his parents grew up. Today, Hernandez has family in all corners of the city. One of six brothers, Hernandez always felt connected to Kansas City, desiring to contribute to his city. At UMKC, Hernandez went on a ride-along and found his calling.
“The officers were answering calls when people were in most need of assistance,” Hernandez shared. “Seeing how over one shift how many lives they impacted and the difference they made. It showed me it was the best way I could give back to the community.”
Hernandez hasn’t stopped contributing. In addition to serving as a department funeral coordinator and volunteering for many tasks, Hernandez has been heavily involved in the community at meetings, neighborhood BBQs, cleanups, etc.
His service, he points out, has always been influenced by his upbringing and parents. Simply, he practices the values his parents taught him.
“I still enjoy and love putting on this uniform,” Hernandez said. “I understand the responsibility that comes with putting this badge on. I do everything I can to represent this department and my family’s name in the best way by the actions I take."