KCPD Blue Christmas Delivers Toys, Turkeys, and Holiday Joy

A week from Christmas, KCPD handed out 500 toys and 300 turkeys to Kansas City families at East Patrol Division on Saturday, Dec. 18.
The line of parents and children began forming two hours before KCPD Blue Christmas kicked off at 10 a.m., stretching from the building’s lobby to 27th Street.
Once inside, officers and volunteers treated families to toys, the turkeys and sides, Starbucks coffee, and donuts.
“This is the season for giving,” said Community Interaction Officer Patrick Byrd. “We want to be a blessing for the families who might still feel the impacts of COVID and unemployment. We just want to do our part to help”.
Organizations outside of KCPD made the event possible. KCPD thanks Harvesters Community Food Network for supplying the food and Starbucks for donating the coffee. KCPD also thanks Michael Bergen’s Hands to Heart for the toys the nonprofit provided.
“It kind of restores faith to me in humanity,” added Community Interaction Officer Edwin Gordillo. “I’m glad to be a part of this. I’m glad everyone helped out.”