New technology, services and strategies can deter package thieves

Package thieves are coming out as online holiday shopping ramps up. These modern-day Grinches will look for opportunities to steal unattended packages left at your home. Here are some tips and ideas to help protect your newly delivered stuff:
* Have packages delivered to your work. Delivering packages to a job increases visibility and reduces the chances that your packages might be swiped unexpectedly.
* Schedule deliveries for times you will be home. This keeps packages from sitting unattended for long periods of time.
* Buddy up with a neighbor to watch for each other’s package deliveries.
* Require a signature. This extra insurance ensures that you won’t have packages piling up at your door.
* Consider using a smart locker. Smart lockers secure your packages until you are able to pick up purchases.
* Try a lockbox. Lockboxes can be used to protect packages until you can make it home and retrieve them.
* Package Guard. This service uses a weighted scale to keep track of your packages and sounds an alarm if packages are unexpectedly removed. An app also lets you stay updated on the status of your deliveries.
* Doorman. The Doorman service will pick up your packages and re-deliver them to your home during a scheduled window.
* Monitor your front porch. Security cameras or video doorbells can be used to keep an eye on your packages, deterring thieves from grabbing them off of your property. That video can be shared on social media sites and with police.