Officer Saves Boy’s Life at School Day At The K

A young boy attending School Day at the K is alive thanks to Officer Matt Deloux.
Deloux took off last Thursday, May 11, to bring his son to the pre-game activities and Royals game. During lunch, he was standing in the parking lot watching kids play.
“This kid ran to me and grabbed my arm,” Deloux recalled. “I thought he was playing at first, but then I saw he was in distress and not making any sounds. He was choking.”
Deloux quickly went over the steps in his mind and wanted to avoid the Heimlich maneuver, fearing he might injure the boy who looked to be about 10 years old.
Deloux bent the boy over, put his arm across the boy’s diaphragm, and started striking his back. It took a full minute and several strikes to dislodge the food. Turned out, it was a chocolate bar that was stuck.
“I didn’t know him at all,” said Deloux. “I asked him why he came up to me and he said it was because I looked the most professional.”
When the boy’s dad arrived from Platte City to pick him up, Deloux drove the boy to the gate. He later called the principal who had gotten word from the family the boy was doing well.
As for Deloux’s quick thinking, it’s not the first time he’s saved a life. Several years ago, his son also choked on food and Deloux saved him too.