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Officers, Employees Recognized At August Award Ceremony

Publish Date 08/25/2023
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At an awards ceremony the evening of Aug. 24, the Kansas City Missouri Police Department recognized a variety of officers, employees, and civilians for their outstanding contributions and actions.

Chief Stacey Graves presented the awards to the recipients before an auditorium filled with family and friends.


Here is a list of the recipients:

Certificate of Appreciation

NKC Sergeant Ryan Hubbell

NKC Officer Christopher Pickering

NKC Officer Jacob Ward


Life Saving Award

Officer Clinton French


Special Unit Citation

CPD Watch I, 120 Sector

Sergeant Ann Hope

Officer Joseph Wright

Officer Cody Lewis

Officer Parker Willis

Officer Drake Doll

Officer Stephen Sell


Meritorious Service Award

Marquita Hundley

Officers Jamie Walk and Antonio Hill

Sergeant Bryan Masterson and Officer Scott Nelson

Detective Hobart Price

Sergeant Scott Mullen


Certificate of Commendation and Appreciation

Detective Margaret McGuire

Stacy Clark and Stanton Parker


Certificate of Commendation

Detective Nathan Kinate and Analyst Darin Lee