Rookie Officer Changes Uniform, Focuses On Helping Community

Image of Officer Britney Key
Working with inmates every day, talking to them, more specifically, is a people skill that most people will never need, but one Britney Key mastered.
The skill she sharpened as a corrections officer is now helping Key one month into her policing career.
“You have to get a person to do something they don’t want to do with just your words,” Key said. “You can’t lie to them. You have to persuade them to follow instructions when they don’t want to do it. That experience made me a better communicator.”
Key’s father was a security guard and a corrections officer, which is how Key entered that profession. She didn’t grow up with police officers, though she appreciated them. Seeing how people interacted with officers motivated her to become one.
“A lot of people I grew up with didn’t like the police or would be uptight around them, but I never understood why,” Key explained. “I wanted to show they’re here to help. I grasped that concept, but a lot of people I grew up with didn’t. I looked up to the police.”
While Key knew she wanted to become an officer, she didn’t believe she was physically ready. Through hard work, before entering the academy, Key lost 70 pounds. She is now a graduate of the 179th Entrant Officer Class, which graduated in February.
Key works at Central Patrol division, and in the short time she’s been on patrol, she’s been able to help people in need and bond with the community. One of the early memories so far was stopping an impaired driver. Due to family experiences, it’s an issue important to Key. The driver she stopped was under the age and three times over the limit, but Key believes it was also a wake-up call for the young woman. The woman was remorseful, though Key says people always react differently.
“I’ve dealt with people who are very happy to receive help and dealt with people who are upset,” Key said. “They’re not upset with me. They’re upset at the situation. I’m just trying to understand and help them.”
KCPD has police officer openings. Apply now.