UPDATE: Critically wounded officer making impressive progress

September 2 UPDATE:
The KCPD officer who was shot in the head July 2 is getting stronger and better every day and continues to build his strength and mobility at an out-of-state brain injury rehabilitation center. He has been talking and walking unassisted over the past week. His progress is better than normal, and he is on track to be back to Kansas City soon. He will then go to a local, long-term, outpatient rehabilitation facility.
He is not paralyzed, but one of the challenges that our officer has been facing in rehab because of his injury has been getting his brain to control the left side of his body.
The goal of his medical team is to get him ready to get back to work in some capacity down the road after his recovery. Doctors are pleased with his current progress overall, especially with his physical therapy.
He appreciates all of the cards, gifts and visits that he has received but is missing having everyone around him, including his family and loved ones. He is anxious to come back to Kansas City to regain a sense of normalcy.
Many people in the community have asked what they can do for the officer. We posed this question to him, and he replied, “Actions have repercussions, so think twice before you react with violence, and treat others the way you want to be treated.”
The family appreciates and asks for everyone’s continued prayers and support, and they said the community has been a significant part of his healing.
July 23 UPDATE: The officer was released from the hospital at 11:30 a.m. today to continue his healing. He will be transferred to a rehabilitation facility out of state. The facility focuses on brain injury and neurological rehabilitation and recovery.
The officer's family and the KCPD are so appreciative of Truman Medical Center's care of our officer throughout this time. More information will be forthcoming later this afternoon from Truman Medical Center regarding the medical aspects of his care.
July 17 UPDATE: In a very positive development, the officer shot in the head was upgraded from critical to stable condition this week. He is no longer intubated and is breathing on his own. He is doing physical therapy and can stand with assistance. He is becoming more alert, and doctors are monitoring continued progression in neurological function and responsiveness.
The medical staff continues to appreciate the kind thoughts and prayers, as well. All of the staff are very encouraged by his progress.
July 9 UPDATE: The critically wounded officer remains in critical condition in the I.C.U. He has continued to react to stimulus, and doctors are monitoring him closely.
Two Kansas City Missouri Police officers were injured in shootings July 2 in separate incidents. One remains hospitalized in critical condition.
In the first incident, the driver of a KCATA bus saw a suspect committing a robbery about 10:30 a.m. Friday. The suspect then got on the bus, and the driver immediately notified police. The officer met up with the bus at Independence and Hardesty. The suspect attempted to shoot the officer as the officer got on the bus. The suspect then shot the bus driver. Other officers arrived, and the suspect shot toward them. One of those officers fired at and struck the suspect.
The initial officer suffered an abrasion to his shoulder that resulted from the shots being fired at him. The bus driver suffered non-life-threatening injuries. The suspect, 25-year-old Justin Rogers, also had non-life-threatening injuries. The officer was treated and released from an area hospital. Rogers has been charged with multiple counts relating to the shootings and is being held on a $200,00 bond.
The second incident began about 4:30 p.m. July 2. KCPD officers were called to a disturbance in which a man was walking around threatening people with a gun near 31st and Van Brunt. As officers arrived, the suspect ran, and officers ran after him on foot. The suspect began shooting at officers and struck one in the head. Officers returned fire, shooting and killing the suspect. He has been identified as 31-year-old Ky Johnson.
Other officers immediately transported the wounded officer, who has been with KCPD for two-and-a-half years, to Truman Medical Center in very critical condition. The officer underwent hours of emergency surgery. At about 9:45 p.m. July 2, he was moved to the Intensive Care Unit in critical but stable condition.
As of July 3, the officer is responding to stimulus and can move his arms and legs. He remains in critical condition, but his progress is encouraging. His family has asked that his name not be released at this time.
The Missouri State Highway Patrol is investigating both officer-involved shooting incidents and will provide any further updates on the investigations.
During the course of the second incident, multiple surrounding law enforcement agencies assisted in answering Kansas City’s 911 calls so KCPD officers could be with their wounded colleague, his family, and each other. The KCPD is very grateful for the assistance of police departments from Liberty, Gladstone, Riverside and Independence and the Clay, Jackson and Platte County sheriff’s offices.
The KCPD also would like to thank the doctors, nurses and staff of Truman Medical Center for their extensive expertise and efforts in treating our officer. Department members further appreciate the outpouring of support from the community, including individuals, businesses and churches.
The Department is providing peer support services and chaplains to its members at several of its stations, as well as at the hospital and Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 99.