Page 20 - 2018 Annual Report
P. 20

Initiatives  Program changes youth-police dynamic

           Data shows that a program KCPD instituted
                                                                    Captain Ryan Mills was in charge of the
                                                                  initiative, and he selected Sergeants Troy
         in the summer of 2018 had a profound impact
        Youth    and police.                                      Wright to interact with youth throughout the
                                                                  Phillips and Michael Lenoir and Officer Nicole
         on the relationship between urban-core youth
                                                                  week-long program. They also had to recruit
           After its success on the East Coast beginning
                                                                  other officers – many of whom were relatively
         in the early 2000s, the Kansas City Missouri
                                                                  new and had little opportunity to interact
         Police Department decided to implement the
                                                                  with youth – to the program to have tough
         Youth Police Initiative (YPI), developed by
         former Kansas City resident Jay Paris with the
         North American Family Institute.  A member of            conversations.
                                                                    KCPD hosted three YPI sessions with 15
         the Police Foundation of Kansas City funded              teens in each. During the class, the kids and
         the YPI and a study of its effectiveness.                officers participated in a variety of structured
                                                                  exercises and conversations to encourage

                                                                  dialogue, build relationships and encourage
                                                                  honest      information     sharing.     Regular
                                                                  outings occurred after that to continue their

                                                                    The John Jay College of Criminal Justice
                                                                  surveyed the kids at the beginning and end of
                                                                  their week-long session, and by the end of the
                                                                  first session….the teens who said “I know at
                                                                  least one police officer who I can trust” went
             YPI’s goal was to bring at-risk youth                up by 181 percent.
         together with police officers to share personal
                                                                    By the third session, the survey item of
         stories, meals, and  to let  their guards down
                                                                  “police treat most individuals fairly,” changed
         long  enough  to  have  the  difficult  and  honest
                                                                  207 percent from neutral to strongly agree. The
         discussions and to build relationships and
                                                                  third cohort of KCPD students exhibited one
         understanding for both the youth and the
                                                                  of the most dramatic shift in attitudes toward
         officers. KCPD’s East Patrol Division partnered
                                                                  police among similar programs nationwide.
         with the J.D. Wagner Unit of the Boys and Girls
         Club of Kansas City on this initiative.                    The police officers who participated in the
                                                                  Youth Police Initiative also reported change,
           “KCPD was presented with the                           with a 67 percent increase in the item “I know

         opportunity to engage with youth                         how  to  resolve  conflicts  between  teenagers
                                                                  and adults” and a 56 percent increase in “I
         in a way we’ve always wanted to but                      know the names of many teenagers who live in

         lacked the proper program,” Chief                        the neighborhood that I patrol.”
                                                                    Police soon saw those results in action. In
         Richard Smith said. “The Youth Police                    August, the aunt of one of our Youth Police

         Initiative is a program that actually                    Initiative teens was seriously wounded when
                                                                  she was hit by a stray bullet from a rolling gun
         changes attitudes and perceptions,                       battle in the East Patrol Division. The teenager
         turning what was perceived as                            was at  the  crime scene  and  immediately
                                                                  recognized two of the officers there from the
         an adversarial relationship into a                       program. He came and spoke to them, and the

         trusting relationship.”                                  whole interaction with the victim’s family went
                                                                  far better than we could have hoped …because
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