Page 23 - 2018 Annual Report
P. 23

Chief of Police

                                                                  Communications staffing
            With  just  three  Parking  Control  Officers
        (PCO’s) and two Parking Control Supervisors               increase drops 911 hold times
        to cover all 316 square miles of Kansas City,
        KCPD was having a rough time keeping up with                 As  staffing  went  up  in  the  Communications
        downtown parking enforcement.                             Unit, 911 hold times fell.
          “For the last several years, citations                       After peaking in July 2017 at 39 seconds, 911
        have gone down precipitously,”                            callers were put on hold for less and less time as the
                                                                  department tried to correct the Communications
        City Councilman Scott Wagner said                         Unit staffing deficit. By the end of 2018, average
        at a Feb. 7 Finance and Governance                        hold time seconds were down to the teens.
                                                                     Residents complained about the hold times,
        Committee Meeting. “We just                                 and dispatchers also worked thousands of hours of
        needed to do something different                          mandatory over-time to cover the vacancies, which

        to help relieve some of the parking                       led to resignations, which perpetuated the problem.
                                                                  Twenty-three people left the Communications Unit
        issues downtown.”                                         in 2017.

                                                                     A big help came in May when the City budgeted
            What the City Council did was allocate
                                                                  for  15  additional positions in the Unit. The
        $145,000  so KCPD  could  hire  10
                                                                  department spent the remainder of 2018 trying to
        additional PCO’s who were dedicated to
                                                                  fill the newly increased 106 budgeted positions.
        enforcing downtown parking.
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