Page 27 - 2018 Annual Report
P. 27


                                       More than a dozen Kansas
                                       City Chiefs football players
                                       came to the Police Athletic
                                       League Center to get
                                       to know KCPD officers
                                       and their families, run
                                       drills with kids and have


          Seventeen                                                                      June
          members tested                                                      The Police Athletic League
          three different                                                     implemented the PAL Nights
          uniform styles to                                                   program to give urban core
          evaluate them for                                                   youth ages 8-18 a fun place
          comfort, styling,                                                   to hang out on weekend
          durability and more.                                                nights in the summer.

 September                                 November

                                         Traffic Enforcement
                                         officers escorted the U.S.
                                         Capitol Christmas tree on
                                         its way through Kansas
                                         City – with a stop at
                                         Union Station – Nov. 20.


           October                                                              With Hormel hams

                                                                                donated by Hy-Vee and
        KCPD joined the                                                         sides from Harvesters,
        Neighbors by Ring app,                                                  KCPD gave away
        a digital neighborhood                                                  everything needed to
        watch app on mobile                                                     make 500 Christmas
        devices, allowing                                                       dinners at East Patrol
        police and neighbors                                                    Division on Dec. 19.
        to exchange crime

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