Page 33 - 2018 Annual Report
P. 33

Offenses by Division

                                                                                           Shoal     Not
          Division                              Central  Metro    East    North   South                     Total
                                                                                          Creek    Stated
          Criminal Homicide                        28      33      54       2       15       6        5      143
          A. Murder & Nonnegligent  Homicide       26      32      52       2       15       4        5      136
          B. Manslaughter by Negligence            0       0        0       0       0        0        0       0
          C. Justifiable Homicide                  2       1        2       0       0        2        0       7
          Sex Offenses, Forcible                  117      90      188     33       70       43      17      558
          A. Forcible Rape                         57      46      86      17       28       17       6      257
          B. Forcible Sodomy                       30      22      54       4       22       9        5      146
          C. Sexual Assault With An Object         0       0        0       1       1        0        0       2
          D. Forcible Fondling                     30      22      48      11       19       17       6      153
          Robbery                                 440     321      578     61      168       64      20      1652
          Assault Offenses                        2738    2974    4447     664     1689     1069     177    13758
          A. Aggravated Assault                   991     1288    2181     142     636      255      92      5585
          B. Simple Assault                       1562    1489    2008     443     895      663      73      7133
          C. Intimidation                         185     197      258     79      158      151      12      1040
          Burglary/Breaking and Entering          644     905      919     257     616      313      21      3675
          Larceny/Theft Offenses                  3738    2386    2790    1595     1798     1627     107    14041
          A. Pocket-Picking                        44      6       14       8       6        5        0       83
          B. Purse-Snatching                       18      6        6       2       6        2        1       41
          C. Shoplifting                          446     460      536     604     277      275      23      2621
          D. Theft From Building                  673     391      461     212     287      229      13      2266
          E. Theft From Coin-Operated Machine      5       2        2       4       1        4        1       19
          F. Theft From Motor Vehicle             1548    823      637     410     634      567      36      4655
          G. Theft of Vehicle Parts and Accessories  443  316      563     194     334      271      18      2139
          H. All Other Larceny                    561     382      571     161     253      274      15      2217
          Motor Vehicle Theft                     950     831     1350     245     555      400      31      4362
          Arson                                    28      51      116      3       15       14       3      230
          Counterfeiting / Forgery                 86      77      77      54       54       60       5      413
          Fraud Offenses:                         284     223      254     233     162      207      33      1396
          A. False Pretenses / Swindle            159     117      140     125      89      106       9      745
          B. Credit Card / Automatic Teller       101      86      91      85       56       82      21      522
          C. Impersonation                         6       5        4       4       2        2        0       23
          D. Welfare Fraud                         0       0        0       0       0        1        0       1
          E. Wire Fraud                            18      15      19      19       15       16       3      105
          Embezzlement                             48      44      48      28       36       28       2      234
          Vandalism/Destruction of Property       1386    977     1377     322     646      409      32      5149
          Sex Offenses, Nonforcible                7       2        5       1       2        0        3       20
          A. Incest                                0       0        1       0       0        0        1       2
          B. Statutory Rape                        7       2        4       1       2        0        2       18
          Prostitution Offenses                    6       7       78       9       7        12       3      122
          A. Prostitution                          5       7       77       8       7        8        2      114
          B. Assisting or Promoting Prostitution   1       0        1       1       0        4        1       8
          Pornography / Obscene Material           4       1        4       0       4        0       20       33
          Drug / Narcotic Offenses:               1498    716     1261     125     228      312      58      4198
          A. Drug / Narcotic Violations           1104    522      824     79      151      189      37      2906
          B. Drug Equipment Violations            394     194      437     46       77      123      21      1292
          Stolen Property Offenses                103      84      232     13       50       26       6      514
          Weapon Law Violations                   102     107      160      6       40       14      11      440
          Bribery                                  0       0        0       1       0        0        0
          Extortion / Blackmail                    2       2        3       3       2        3        0       15
          Kidnapping / Abduction                   8       14      21       2       8        6        0       59
         * The Offenses by Division statistics are calculated using National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) statistics, while the Total Offenses statistics
         are calculated using Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) statistics. The FBI states the following about the difference: “The NIBRS has much more detail in
         its reporting system than the traditional Summary reporting system. ... In the Summary reporting system, the “Hierarchy Rule” governs multiple offense
         reporting. If more than one crime was committed by the same person or group of persons and the time and space intervals separating the crimes were
         insignificant, then the crime highest in the hierarchy is the only offense reported. However, in the NIBRS, if more than one crime was committed by the same
         person or group of persons and the time and space intervals were insignificant, all of the crimes are reported as offenses within the same incident. For more
         information about the similarities and differences of NIBRS and UCR, go to

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